LEE Sung-HeeProfessor | Head
- Digital Human Modeling/Animation
- Telepresence Avatar
- Computer Animation
AHN JaehongInvited Professor
- Digital Heritage
- 3D Scanning
CHA Seung HyunAssociate Professor
- Future Space
- Metaverse Space Design
- Data-driven Design
- Spatial Contents and Computing
- Human-Space Interaction
DOH Young YimInvited Professor
- Cyberpsychology
- Game Studies
KIM SungyoungAssociate Professor
- Immersive Music Recording / Reproduction
- Gamified Ear Training
- Virtual Acoustics
LEE JeongmiAssociate Professor
- Attention
- Perception
- Cognitive Neuroscience
LEE Ji-HyunProfessor
- Computational Design
- AI in Design
- UI/UX Design
- Service Design
LEE JinjoonAssociate Professor
- New Media Art (AI/XR/Data)
- Total Experience Design
- Sound Sculpture
- Future Opera
- Creative AI
LEE WonjaeAssociate Professor
- Social Network Analysis
- Social Exchange Theory
- Economic Sociology
- Data Science
LIM KyungTaeAssistant Professor
- Natural Language Processing
- Korean Language Resource
- Multimodal Language Model
NAM JuhanAssociate Professor
- Music Informational Retrieval
- Audio Signal Processing
- Music AI
NOH JunyongProfessor
- Computer Graphics/Vision
- Facial/Character Animation
- Image/Video Manipulation
PARK JuyongAssociate Professor
- Complex Networks
- Statistical Physics
- Network Science
- Information Science
- Humanities and Arts
WOO WoontackProfessor
- 3D Computer Vision
- Context-aware Augmentation
- Spatial Interaction for Ubiquitous Virtual Reality
- Augmented Reality
YOON Sang HoAssociate Professor
- Human-computer Interaction (HCI)
- Haptics
- Interaction Techniques
- Wearable Computing
- Extended Reality