- 행사
- [조수미 공연예술 연구센터 초청 강연] 정다샘 교수 (서강대)
- 관리자 |
- 2023-04-21 12:25:40|
- 848
연사: 정다샘 교수 (서강대)
제목: The Challenges in Deep Learning on Symbolic Music
일시: 2023. 4. 24.(월) 14:30~15:45
장소: N25동 3229호 백남준홀
(온라인: https://kaist.zoom.us/j/81348247967?pwd=WWJseG5jR0ZhSmxiSVlLN0VqMjc5UT09)
2021~현재: 서강대학교 아트&테크로놀로지학과 조교수
2020~2021: SK텔레콤 T-Brain X Research Scientist
2020: KAIST 문화기술대학원 박사
Music data can exist in the form of audio implemented as sound, but it can also exist in the form of symbolic music, such as music score or MIDI. This lecture explains how research using deep learning on symbolic music is different from research on music audio, and the challenges involved in handling symbolic music. The development process of a model that was able to generate a perfect score tune in the 2022 AI Music Generation Challenge and other applications of neural networks in traditional Korean music composition and piano performance modeling will be introduced.
(이 강연은 영어로 진행됩니다.)
제목: The Challenges in Deep Learning on Symbolic Music
일시: 2023. 4. 24.(월) 14:30~15:45
장소: N25동 3229호 백남준홀
(온라인: https://kaist.zoom.us/j/81348247967?pwd=WWJseG5jR0ZhSmxiSVlLN0VqMjc5UT09)
2021~현재: 서강대학교 아트&테크로놀로지학과 조교수
2020~2021: SK텔레콤 T-Brain X Research Scientist
2020: KAIST 문화기술대학원 박사
Music data can exist in the form of audio implemented as sound, but it can also exist in the form of symbolic music, such as music score or MIDI. This lecture explains how research using deep learning on symbolic music is different from research on music audio, and the challenges involved in handling symbolic music. The development process of a model that was able to generate a perfect score tune in the 2022 AI Music Generation Challenge and other applications of neural networks in traditional Korean music composition and piano performance modeling will be introduced.
(이 강연은 영어로 진행됩니다.)

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