- 행사
- [특별세미나] 송민호 박사 (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet). 2/6(화) 오후1시
- 관리자 |
- 2018-02-08 11:47:18|
- 780
오는 화요일 오후 1시 백남준홀에서 Danmarks Tekniske Universitet에 박사후 연구원으로 계시는 송민호 박사님의 세미나를 개최합니다.
송민호 박사님은 카이스트 문화기술대학원을 2013년 졸업하시고 노르웨이 오슬로 대학의 Musicology 학과 및 덴마크 공대의 전자공학과에서 박사후 연구를 진행해오셨습니다.
이번 세미나의 주제는 최근 국내에서도 화제가 된 바 있는 EU의 프로젝트, MONICA입니다. 음향제어 기술과 IoT 기술의 접목을 통해 콘서트 장의 소리가 밖으로 새어나가지 못하도록하는 등의 활용을
시도하고 있습니다.
제한된 실험실이나 소형 음향기기등에서만 활용되어왔던 음향제어기술이 실제 문화 행사에 직접적으로 활용되는 사례에 대해, 실제 프로젝트에 참여하시는 박사님의 생생한 경험을 들을수 있는 좋은 기회가 되리라 생각합니다.
장소: N25 문화기술대학원 백남준홀
시간: 화요일 (2월 6일) 오후 1시
연사: 송민호 박사 (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet)
제목: The project MONICA – Bringing the Acoustic Contrast Control from lab to real-world
관심있는 분들의 많은 참여 부탁드립니다.
Seminar information:
TITLE: The project MONICA – Bringing the Acoustic Contrast Control from lab to real-world
For last two decades, the theory and implementation methodologies for generating an acoustically bright/dark zone are well established. However, most of the applications are still limited for a well-controlled environment such as an indoor room with at most the size of a movie theater, playing pre-rendered sound content because it is very difficult to obtain sound propagation model or transfer functions in the real world situation.
In this presentation, the project MONICA - “Management of Networked IoT Wearables – Very Large Scale Demonstration of Cultural Societal Applications” will be introduced. This project is a 36-month Innovation Action, co-funded by the European Commission. This is a large-scale demonstration project using new and existing IoT applications for a smart, eco-sound city, involves six major cities in Europe. The project aims to open chances to these cities how can we use IoT technologies and sound control technologies to manage and control the emission of unwanted concert sound noise to the neighboring communities when open-air cultural and sporting events take place in the city.
As a main technical partner of the MONICA project, we seek for practical solutions to extend the use of the sound field control technology to a large-scale outdoor environment during live music event being held. We have selected Acoustic Contrast Control technology as the main control algorithm and aim to extend the use of the algorithm on three different limitations, 1) An acoustically large-scale, 2) Concurrent real-time input signal, and 3) Varying acoustic conditions. In this talk, we will focus on the topic about the problems that we are facing currently and how these problems will be approached using new and existing IoT applications combined with acoustic-based solutions.
송민호 박사님은 카이스트 문화기술대학원을 2013년 졸업하시고 노르웨이 오슬로 대학의 Musicology 학과 및 덴마크 공대의 전자공학과에서 박사후 연구를 진행해오셨습니다.
이번 세미나의 주제는 최근 국내에서도 화제가 된 바 있는 EU의 프로젝트, MONICA입니다. 음향제어 기술과 IoT 기술의 접목을 통해 콘서트 장의 소리가 밖으로 새어나가지 못하도록하는 등의 활용을
시도하고 있습니다.
제한된 실험실이나 소형 음향기기등에서만 활용되어왔던 음향제어기술이 실제 문화 행사에 직접적으로 활용되는 사례에 대해, 실제 프로젝트에 참여하시는 박사님의 생생한 경험을 들을수 있는 좋은 기회가 되리라 생각합니다.
장소: N25 문화기술대학원 백남준홀
시간: 화요일 (2월 6일) 오후 1시
연사: 송민호 박사 (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet)
제목: The project MONICA – Bringing the Acoustic Contrast Control from lab to real-world
관심있는 분들의 많은 참여 부탁드립니다.
TITLE: The project MONICA – Bringing the Acoustic Contrast Control from lab to real-world
For last two decades, the theory and implementation methodologies for generating an acoustically bright/dark zone are well established. However, most of the applications are still limited for a well-controlled environment such as an indoor room with at most the size of a movie theater, playing pre-rendered sound content because it is very difficult to obtain sound propagation model or transfer functions in the real world situation.
In this presentation, the project MONICA - “Management of Networked IoT Wearables – Very Large Scale Demonstration of Cultural Societal Applications” will be introduced. This project is a 36-month Innovation Action, co-funded by the European Commission. This is a large-scale demonstration project using new and existing IoT applications for a smart, eco-sound city, involves six major cities in Europe. The project aims to open chances to these cities how can we use IoT technologies and sound control technologies to manage and control the emission of unwanted concert sound noise to the neighboring communities when open-air cultural and sporting events take place in the city.
As a main technical partner of the MONICA project, we seek for practical solutions to extend the use of the sound field control technology to a large-scale outdoor environment during live music event being held. We have selected Acoustic Contrast Control technology as the main control algorithm and aim to extend the use of the algorithm on three different limitations, 1) An acoustically large-scale, 2) Concurrent real-time input signal, and 3) Varying acoustic conditions. In this talk, we will focus on the topic about the problems that we are facing currently and how these problems will be approached using new and existing IoT applications combined with acoustic-based solutions.
첨부파일 |
- 이전
- 이종인 학생, KAIST 창의활동상 수상
- 2018-01-31