
  • 일반
  • 수상 소식 안내, 박사과정 정선진(지도교수 노준용), 2017한국컴퓨터그래픽스학회 석사 논문상 수상
  • 관리자 |
  • 2017-07-28 09:51:28|
  • 920

수상 소식 안내


우리대학원 박사과정 정선진 학생이( 비주얼미디어 랩, 지도교수 노준용)

2017년 한국컴퓨터그래픽스학회에서 ‘석사논문상’을 수상하였습니다.

학회명: 2017 한국컴퓨터그래픽스학회

수상명: 석사 논문상

수상일자: 2017. 07. 13.


 ** 주 저자 발표 논문 **

학회: 2017 Computer Animation and Social Agents

- 저널: Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds 28.3-4 (2017)

논문명: Age-related Gait Motion Transformation Based on Biomechanical Observations (생체 역학적 관찰에 기반한 연령에 따른 보행 동작 생성)

저자: 정선진, 홍석표, 조경민, 엄해광, 최병국, 노준용


- 연구내용 요약:


Age-related Gait Motion Transformation Based on Biomechanical Observations


We present a novel approach for synthesizing human gait motions according to a range of input ages by transforming a given motion based on biomechanical observations. Given an original motion, our method first extracts gait cycles that are periodically defined by foot contact on the ground and then transforms the original motion to achieve a desirable posture and motions that respectively correspond to the input age. Among many biomechanical features that gradually change with aging, we mainly focus on spatiotemporal and kinematic features as well as postural changes. Exploiting these features, we formulate the biomechanical changes as continuous functions that reflect visually significant features corresponding to the input age. Finally, we demonstrate that our system can automatically generate plausible gait motions given a wide range of input ages.

첨부파일 리스트