- 일반
- The 2nd International Workshop on Cultural DNA
- 관리자 |
- 2017-01-04 02:15:38|
- 810
문화기술대학원에서 "2nd Cultural DNA Workshop"를 개최합니다.
- *주제 : Design Computing (디자인 및 건축) 분야의 국내외 전문가의 Cultural DNA 분석 방법 및 결과 공유
- *일시 : 2017. 01. 13. (금) , 9:00 ~18:00
- *장소 : 문화기술대학원 백남준홀 (N25동 3229호) ☞지도보기
- *발표자: John S Gero, Robert Woodbury,Jin-Ho Park, Yu-Hsiu Hung, Jong-Jin Park, Kyung Wook Seo, Andrzej Zarzycki, Terry Knight , Rudi Stouffs, Iestyn Jowers , Ju Hyun Lee , Jin-Kook Lee , Mathew Schwartz , Deedee Aram Min , Bige Tuncer & Atanassios Economou
- *주최 : KAIST 문화기술대학원, Information Based Design Lab (문화기술대학원, 이지현 교수)
- *후원 : KAIST 국제협력팀, DIME_대전마케팅공사
- *사전등록: https://goo.gl/forms/DiJdRGl558HOVGO03 (기한 2017. 1. 12(목)까지)
- *관련문의: 박사과정 임지민 kingjimin@kaist.ac.kr
The 2nd International Workshop on Cultural DNA
- Time: 13th, January, 2017 (Friday), 9:00 ~18:00
- Place: KAIST N25, Paik Nam-Jun Hall (#3229)
Host: Graduate School of Culture Technology
Time |
Title |
Presenter |
09:00~09:20 |
Opening Ceremony |
Ji-hyun Lee |
Session 1: Theories for Cultural DNA Research |
09:20~09:45 |
Research for Cultural DNA in Design |
John S Gero Research Professor in Computer Science and Architecture at University of North Carolina, and a researcher Professor at the Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study at George Mason University |
09:45~10:10 |
A Design Gallery System |
Robert Woodbury Professor at School of Interactive Arts and Technology, Simon Fraser University |
10:10~10:35 |
Underlying Principles and Emerging Designs Based on Magic Squares |
Jin-Ho Park Professor at Department of Architecture, Inha University |
Session 2: Analysis & synthesis of Cultural DNA at Urban Scale |
10:35~11:00 |
Multi-leveled Tridimensional Public Place and Urban Promenade |
Jong-Jin Park
Ph.D. & Architect EPF/SIA |
11:00~11:25 |
Fingerprint of the City: How Old Country Roads become Fossilised within the Modern City |
Kyung Wook Seo,
BArch, MEng, March, PhD, FHEA |
11:25~11:50 |
Tentative Title |
Andrzej Zarzycki
Associate Professor at College of Architecture and Design in the New Jersey Institute of Technology |
11:50~12:50 |
Lunch |
Session 3: Analysis & Synthesis of Cultural DNA Artifacts |
12:50~13:15 |
A Universal Basic Robot |
Mathew Schwartz
Assistant Professor at College of Architecture and Design New Jersey Institute of Technology
13:15~13:40 |
A sense of dichotomy in household space and smartphone |
Deedee Aram Min
13:40~14:05 |
The Need for a Cultural Representation Tool in Cultural Product Design |
Yu-Hsiu Hung
Associate Professor at Department of Industrial Design of National Cheng Kung University |
14:05~14:30 |
Tentative Title |
Bige Tuncer
Associate Professor, Director of Informed Design Group,
14:30~14:55 |
Tentative Title |
Atanassios Economou
Director of PhD Program and Professor at School of Architecture, Georgia Institute of Technology |
14:55~15:20 |
How to Let Computers Know Building design Rules? - A KBimCode Mechanism to Translate the Sentences in Korea Building Act for the Automated Code Checking |
Jin-Kook Lee
Ph.D., Assistant Professor at Department of Interior Design, Hanyang University |
15:20~15:50 |
Short Break 2 |
Session 4: Grammar-based Cultural DNA Research |
15:50~16:15 |
A practical shape grammar for Chinese ice-ray lattice designs |
Rudi Stouffs
Associate Professor at Department of Architecture, School of Design & Environment, National University of Singapore |
16:15~16:40 |
Structures in shapes: a perspective from rules and embedding |
Iestyn Jowers
Lecturer in Technology and Innovation Management, The Open University |
16:40~17:05 |
Grammatically Measuring the Functional Uniqueness of Murcutt’s Domestic Architecture |
Ju Hyun Lee
Senior Lecturer in the School of Architecture and Built Environment, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, at the University of Newcastle |
17:05~17:30 |
Craft, Performance, and Grammars |
Terry Knight
Professor of Design and Computation in the Department of Architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
17:30~17:40 |
Ending Ceremony |
Ji-hyun Lee
Professor of Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST |
☞ 일정 다운로드
첨부파일 |
- 다음
- 안재홍 교수 부임 안내
- 2017-02-06
- 이전
- 박사과정 이정섭, 석사과정 박승순,이종필, 2016 ICT-문화·예술융합 공모전 동상 수상
- 2016-12-31