
  • 일반
  • 특별강연 / 문화의 과학 - 안용열 교수
  • 관리자 |
  • 2014-05-07 13:17:54|
  • 670
문화의 과학

Time : May 12(Mon), 2014, 13:00~14:15
place : GSCT 백남준홀 (N25, #3229)

Speaker: 안용열 교수(미국 앤디애나 대학교 School of Computing)
Title: 문화의 과학


Data and algorithms have begun to drive many aspects of our life and society. Culture is not an exception to this trend. A huge amount of cultural data, such as recipes, music scores, movie scripts, and books, is digitized, parsed, and stored in databases, which in turn allow computational and scientific approaches towards understanding our culture. In this talk, I will exhibit several studies that harness cultural data and discuss about the new opportunities of cultural science.


Professor Ahn is an expert in network analysis and data visualization. His works have been featured in Nature, Scientific Reports, and numerous international publications. A member of CAIAC (Center for Advanced Informatics in Arts and Culture), an international workgroup jointly run by KAIST, Indiana University-Bloomington, University of Cambridge (UK), and U Texas-Dallas, he works closely with the Cultural Network Science Lab (tentative) at CT-KAIST. He is also co-founder of Janys Analytics, a firm specializing in data visualization based in Boston, MA, USA.
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