CT 콜로키움
- [문화기술대학원 콜로키움] 12.10 (화) | 박정선 (미디어아티스트)
- 관리자 |
- 2019-12-03 14:54:23|
- 724
일시 : 2019. 12. 10. (화) 오후 4:00~5:30
장소 : N25동 3229호 백남준홀
주제 : 기술을 넘어서는 미디어아트
연사 : 박정선 (미디어아티스트)
2018 Ph.D. Graduate School of Culture Technology KAIST, Korea
2013 M.S. Graduate School of Culture Technology KAIST, Korea
2001 M.F.A.(Aufbaustudium) Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design, Germany
1997 B.F.A. College of Fine Art, Seoul National University, Korea
Solo Exhibition
2017 , Trout Fishing Gallery, Daejeon, Korea
2015 , Byunbang Gallery, Daejeon, Korea
2002 , Daejeon Citizens Hall, Daejeon, Korea
Group Exhibition
2019 Exhibition for Ungno Lee Bamboo & Abstract Letter, KAIST Vision Hall, Daejeon, Korea
2018 Artience Daejeon 2018, Daejeon Artist House, Daejeon, Korea
2018 , D Museum, Seoul, Korea
2017 Science Art 2017 , Jeju Museum Of Art, Jeju, Korea
2017 , KRICT Space C#, Daejeon, Korea
2017 Artience Daejeon 17 Exhibition, Parking Gallery, Daejeon, Korea
2017 10th Cheongju Craft Biennale Main Exhibition Section 3 Aesthetic Relationship, Cheongju, Korea
2017 interactive Sound Video Installation , Leeungno Museum, Daejeon, Korea
2016 Local CT Festival , Jejudo, Korea
2016 , Jungdong Small Museum, Daejeon, Korea
2016 Paris Leeungno Residence Report, Daejeon Cityhall, Daejeon, Korea
2015 Paris Leeungno Residence Open studio , Vaux-sur-Seine, France
2014 ArtiST Project, Daejeon Museum of Art, Daejeon, Korea
2014 , Soma Museum, Seoul, Korea
2014 Sapporo International Art Festival(SIAF 2014), Sapporo, Japan
2012 Special exhibition, House of Eungno Lee, Hongseong, Korea
2012 , Spacessee, Daejeon, Korea
2010 Mix-Media Drawing Special Exhibition, Spacessee, Daejeon, Korea
2009 Daein Market Art Project Media Exhibition, Kwangju, Korea
2007 Daejeon FAST 2007 , Daejeon Museum of Art, Daejeon, Korea
* 오후 4:00-5:00 연사 강연, 오후 5:00-5:30 Q&A 및 자유토론 (Mandatory)
* CT콜로키움에 참석하고 싶으신 타과 교수님 또는 학생분들은 언제든지 환영합니다.
첨부파일 |
- 다음
- [문화기술대학원 콜로키움] 3.31 (화) | 김윤철 (과학-예술 아티스트)
- 2021-03-08
- 이전
- [문화기술대학원 콜로키움] 12.3 (화) | 킴태윤 (현대자동차 아트랩)
- 2019-11-28