CT 콜로키움

  • [GSCT 콜로키움] 18.11.13 (화) | 박주홍(POSTECH 조교수)
  • 관리자 |
  • 2018-11-07 19:14:04|
  • 651
주제 : Mediated Human-Machine
연사 : 박주홍(POSTECH)
일시 : 2018.11.13 (화) 16:00~17:30
장소 : GSCT 백남준홀 (N25, #3229)

- Ph.D. Architecture from MIT (major in Design and Computation, and minor in Education with Harvard Graduate School of Education)
- M.S. Architecture from Harvard University 
- B.S. Electronic and Electrical Engineering, and Architecture from Hong-ik University

- Assistant Professor, Department of Creative IT Engineering at POSTECH Future IT Innovation Laboratory 
- Assistant Professor and the coordinator, MS Arch inComputation and Embedded Technology Program at the School of Architecture University of Miami
- Researcher, MIT School of Architecture and Media Lab, and an architect at the Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA)

* 4:00-5:00pm 연사 강연, 5:00-5:30pm Q&A 및 자유토론 (Mandatory)
* CT세미나에 참석하고 싶으신 타과 교수님 또는 학생분들은 언제든지 환영합니다.

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