CT 콜로키움

  • [GSCT 콜로키움, 2018-06-05] "Confluence of Cloud, IoT, and AI" 김민경, 삼성전자
  • 관리자 |
  • 2018-05-24 20:33:23|
  • 572
주제 : Confluence of Cloud, IoT, and AI
연사 : 김민경, 삼성전자
일시 : 2018. 06. 05 (화) 16:00~17:30
장소 : GSCT 백남준홀 (N25, #3229)

 Cloud provides on-demand resources, alleviating the resource requirements on the end user devices themselves. Seamless interactions between the cloud and user devices enable device manufacturers to apply various artificial intelligence (AI) technologies even on resource-poor devices by moving the computation-heavy steps, along with data, to the cloud. 
 This talk will cover how the confluence of cloud, Internet of Things (IoT) and AI has brought about the advances in consumer electronics; it has allowed applying various technologies, including natural language understanding, computer vision and big data analytics, to consumer devices and internet of things.

- 1998 ~ 2004: University of Michigan, Ph.D., Computer Science and Engineering
Worked with Prof. Brian Noble in the area of distributed systems and wireless networks
- 1996 ~ 1998: Seoul National University, M.S., Computer Science and Engineering, High Performance Computing
- 1992 ~ 1996:  Seoul National University, B.S., Computer Science and Engineering

<주요 경력>
- 2016.7 ~ 현재 :  Samsung Electronics, Vice President R&D Team, Digital Appliances Business
- 2006 ~ 2016 : IBM T J Watson Research Center, Research Scientist
  1. IBM Bluemix: Platform as a Service (PaaS) Cloud
    - Cloud infrastructure management and monitoring
    - Analytics services on Bluemix
    - Recent activities: Guest lecture at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) on "IBM Bluemix Architecture" (April 22, 2015), and Tutorial on "IBM Bluemix" at IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (IEEE Cloud) (June 27 - July 2, 2015)
  2. Analytics Platform for Cloud
    - Analytics platform design and development on IBM InfoSphere BigInsights and IBM Platform Cluster Manager Advanced Edition (PCMAE)
  3. Big Data Analytics
    - Analytics of fashion data
    - Fashion trend forecasting
- 2004.10 ~ 2006.9: Postdoctoral research fellow, Dartmouth College
Worked with Prof. David Kotz on projects in mobile computing and wireless networking.

* 4:00-5:00pm 연사 강연, 5:00-5:30pm Q&A 및 자유토론 (Mandatory)
* CT세미나에 참석하고 싶으신 타과 교수님 또는 학생분들은 언제든지 환영합니다. 

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