
  • 연구
  • 최영준·Luisa do Amaral 학생, Ars Electronica x IT:U 그룹전 Open House 참여
  • 관리자 |
  • 2024-02-29 09:30:18|
  • 555
우리 학과 최영준 박사과정(지도교수 이진준), Luisa do Amaral 석사과정(지도교수 이원재) 학생이 Ars Electronica x IT:U 단체전 Open House에서 각 작품을 선보였다.

PhD student Youngjun Choi (advisor Jinjoon Lee) and MS student Luisa do Amaral (advisor Wonjae Lee) from our department presented their works at the Ars Electronica x IT:U group exhibition, Open House, on 25th January 2024.

"Streams in the Veins"(최영준 외 3명)는 인간 피아니스트와 식물이 15분간의 피아노 앙상블을 통해 종간 공동 창조와 포스트매체 조건에서의 악기를 재현했다.

"Streams in the Veins" pairs a human pianist with plants in a 15-minute piano ensemble, delving into interspecies co-creation and realized the instruments in post-medium condition. (Equal Work by Chiao-Chi Chou, Kaito Muramatsu, Youngjun Choi, and YouYang Hu, https://ars.electronica.art/university/en/streams-in-the-veins/)
Photo by Florian Voggeneder.

"Sketches for a Self-Analysis"는 관계적이고 성찰적인 이론적 틀을 공유하는 두 프로젝트를 담고 있다. — "Anamnesis"는 사회학적 연구이며(https://ars.electronica.art/university/en/anamnesis/), "Unknowable Certainty"는 두 채널 비디오 몰입형 공연이다(https://ars.electronica.art/university/en/unknowable-certainty/). Cyan D'Anjou와 송성훈과의 협력.

“Sketches for a Self-Analysis” features two projects that share a relational, reflexive theoretical framework — “Anamnesis”, a sociological study (https://ars.electronica.art/university/en/anamnesis/) and “Unknowable Certainty”, a two-channel video immersive performance (https://ars.electronica.art/university/en/unknowable-certainty/). With Cyan D’Anjou and SungHoon Song.
Photo by Florian Voggeneder. Performers: ShuTing Wang, Seungju Lee (이승주).

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