- 연구
- 최영준·Luisa do Amaral 학생, Ars Electronica x IT:U 그룹전 Open House 참여
- 관리자 |
- 2024-02-29 09:30:18|
- 889
우리 학과 최영준 박사과정(지도교수 이진준), Luisa do Amaral 석사과정(지도교수 이원재) 학생이 Ars Electronica x IT:U 단체전 Open House에서 각 작품을 선보였다.
PhD student Youngjun Choi (advisor Jinjoon Lee) and MS student Luisa do Amaral (advisor Wonjae Lee) from our department presented their works at the Ars Electronica x IT:U group exhibition, Open House, on 25th January 2024.

"Streams in the Veins"(최영준 외 3명)는 인간 피아니스트와 식물이 15분간의 피아노 앙상블을 통해 종간 공동 창조와 포스트매체 조건에서의 악기를 재현했다.
"Streams in the Veins" pairs a human pianist with plants in a 15-minute piano ensemble, delving into interspecies co-creation and realized the instruments in post-medium condition. (Equal Work by Chiao-Chi Chou, Kaito Muramatsu, Youngjun Choi, and YouYang Hu, https://ars.electronica.art/university/en/streams-in-the-veins/)
Photo by Florian Voggeneder.

"Sketches for a Self-Analysis"는 관계적이고 성찰적인 이론적 틀을 공유하는 두 프로젝트를 담고 있다. — "Anamnesis"는 사회학적 연구이며(https://ars.electronica.art/university/en/anamnesis/), "Unknowable Certainty"는 두 채널 비디오 몰입형 공연이다(https://ars.electronica.art/university/en/unknowable-certainty/). Cyan D'Anjou와 송성훈과의 협력.
“Sketches for a Self-Analysis” features two projects that share a relational, reflexive theoretical framework — “Anamnesis”, a sociological study (https://ars.electronica.art/university/en/anamnesis/) and “Unknowable Certainty”, a two-channel video immersive performance (https://ars.electronica.art/university/en/unknowable-certainty/). With Cyan D’Anjou and SungHoon Song.
Photo by Florian Voggeneder. Performers: ShuTing Wang, Seungju Lee (이승주).
PhD student Youngjun Choi (advisor Jinjoon Lee) and MS student Luisa do Amaral (advisor Wonjae Lee) from our department presented their works at the Ars Electronica x IT:U group exhibition, Open House, on 25th January 2024.
"Streams in the Veins"(최영준 외 3명)는 인간 피아니스트와 식물이 15분간의 피아노 앙상블을 통해 종간 공동 창조와 포스트매체 조건에서의 악기를 재현했다.
"Streams in the Veins" pairs a human pianist with plants in a 15-minute piano ensemble, delving into interspecies co-creation and realized the instruments in post-medium condition. (Equal Work by Chiao-Chi Chou, Kaito Muramatsu, Youngjun Choi, and YouYang Hu, https://ars.electronica.art/university/en/streams-in-the-veins/)
Photo by Florian Voggeneder.
"Sketches for a Self-Analysis"는 관계적이고 성찰적인 이론적 틀을 공유하는 두 프로젝트를 담고 있다. — "Anamnesis"는 사회학적 연구이며(https://ars.electronica.art/university/en/anamnesis/), "Unknowable Certainty"는 두 채널 비디오 몰입형 공연이다(https://ars.electronica.art/university/en/unknowable-certainty/). Cyan D'Anjou와 송성훈과의 협력.
“Sketches for a Self-Analysis” features two projects that share a relational, reflexive theoretical framework — “Anamnesis”, a sociological study (https://ars.electronica.art/university/en/anamnesis/) and “Unknowable Certainty”, a two-channel video immersive performance (https://ars.electronica.art/university/en/unknowable-certainty/). With Cyan D’Anjou and SungHoon Song.
Photo by Florian Voggeneder. Performers: ShuTing Wang, Seungju Lee (이승주).
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