- 연구
- 이진준 교수, Audible Garden 전시
- 관리자 |
- 2023-09-11 14:21:14|
- 687
On the occasion of the 140th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Korea and the UK, the Korean Foundation for International Cultural Exchange (KOFICE) and the Korean Culture Centre UK (KCCUK) presents Audible Garden, a groundbreaking solo exhibition by artist Dr. Jinjoon Lee.

Audible Garden, Jinjoon Lee, 2023. Site-specific wall painting, dimension 804 x 324cm (c) Korean Cultural Center UK. Photo by Sungbaek Kim.
e-flux - https://www.e-flux.com/announcements/556616/jinjoon-leeaudible-garden/
FAD Magazine - https://fadmagazine.com/2023/08/22/audible-garden-a-ground-breaking-solo-exhibition-by-artist-dr-jinjoon-lee/
London Art Roundup - https://www.londonartroundup.com/reviews/Audible-Garden
관련: https://ct.kaist.ac.kr/boards/view/news_board/4081/

Audible Garden, Jinjoon Lee, 2023. Site-specific wall painting, dimension 804 x 324cm (c) Korean Cultural Center UK. Photo by Sungbaek Kim.
e-flux - https://www.e-flux.com/announcements/556616/jinjoon-leeaudible-garden/
FAD Magazine - https://fadmagazine.com/2023/08/22/audible-garden-a-ground-breaking-solo-exhibition-by-artist-dr-jinjoon-lee/
London Art Roundup - https://www.londonartroundup.com/reviews/Audible-Garden
관련: https://ct.kaist.ac.kr/boards/view/news_board/4081/
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