
  • 행사
  • [조수미 공연예술 연구센터 초청 강연] Hanoi Hantrakul
  • 관리자 |
  • 2023-08-14 17:02:43|
  • 767
조수미 공연예술 연구센터에서 AI를 활용한 음악 창작의 최전선에서 활약중인 Hanoi Hantrakul를 초대하였습니다. Hanoi는 현재 ByteDance/TikTok의 AI Research Scientist이며, Google Brain에서 Differentiable Digital Signal Processing (DDSP)로 개발하였고 이를 활용한 태국 민속 음악과 현대적인 악기 소리를 퓨젼한  작품으로 2022년 AI Song Contest 에서 우승을 하였습니다.

Speaker: Lamtharn Hanoi Hantrakul
Title: Transcultural Machine Learning in Music
Time: Aug 11th, 2023, 14:00 - 15:00
Place: N25, Paik Nam June Hall (#3236)  
(This talk is delivered in English.)

Title:  Transcultural Machine Learning in Music

In this talk, I’ll be combining machine learning, music and culture together to discuss how we can develop AI systems which encompass a wide range of musical traditions. I’ll be drawing examples from my own technical research as an AI Research Scientist (e.g. DDSP), artistic work as a composer (AI Song Contest 2022 Winner) and personal story in pursuing music technology from my home of Bangkok to New Haven (Yale BS Physics and Music), Atlanta (Georgia Tech MS Music Technology), San Francisco (Google Magenta) and now in Shanghai (ByteDance/TikTok). I hope to inspire listeners to seek similar connections between machine learning and pan-Asian musical cultures, and challenge the future of music AIGC in the context of the Asia-Pacific region.

Lamtharn Hanoi Hantrakul, a.k.a “Yaboi Hanoi”, is an award-winning cultural technologist, composer and AI Research Scientist born and raised in Bangkok, Thailand. He is the winner of the 2022 International AI Song Contest, where his entry “อสุระเทวะชุมนุม - Enter Demons and Gods” reimagined melodies and tuning systems from Southeast Asia using the power of modern audio machine learning. Hanoi has co-invented breakthrough audio AI technologies including the open-source Differentiable Digital Signal Processing (DDSP) library at Google Brain, Tone Transfer and the realtime neural audio synthesis behind TikTok's MAWF plugin. Yaboi Hanoi innovates at the confluence of technical, artistic and cultural dimensions; striking a delicate balance between the modern and traditional; respecting and challenging Southeast Asian culture through syntheses of music, dance, design and tech. @yaboihanoi on all socials.
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