- 일반
- [편서] A New Perspective of Cultural DNA | 이지현 교수
- 관리자 |
- 2020-10-13 10:27:19|
- 850
A New Perspective of Cultural DNA (KAIST Research Series)
편자: 이지현 교수
출판사: Springer Singapore, 2020. 9. 24.
This book presents selected papers from the 3rd Cultural DNA Workshop. Contributed by prominent computational design experts in the fields of mechanical engineering and architectural design, they mainly focus on the design process; shape grammars as a valuable tool; and the analysis of cultural values.
The book offers readers fresh viewpoints on computational design. and helps researchers in academy and practitioners in industry to learn more evolved cultural DNA knowledge which is newly interpreted and conceptually reinforced in areas of mechanical engineering and architectural engineering.
편자: 이지현 교수
출판사: Springer Singapore, 2020. 9. 24.
This book presents selected papers from the 3rd Cultural DNA Workshop. Contributed by prominent computational design experts in the fields of mechanical engineering and architectural design, they mainly focus on the design process; shape grammars as a valuable tool; and the analysis of cultural values.
The book offers readers fresh viewpoints on computational design. and helps researchers in academy and practitioners in industry to learn more evolved cultural DNA knowledge which is newly interpreted and conceptually reinforced in areas of mechanical engineering and architectural engineering.

첨부파일 |
- 다음
- 2020 한국사회학회 심포지엄 (10월 23일 금요일) | 이원재 교수
- 2020-10-13