
  • 일반
  • The 2nd International Workshop on Cultural DNA
  • 관리자 |
  • 2017-01-04 02:15:38|
  • 832

문화기술대학원에서 "2nd Cultural DNA Workshop"를 개최합니다. 


  • *주제 : Design Computing (디자인 및 건축) 분야의 국내외 전문가의 Cultural DNA 분석 방법 및 결과 공유 
  • *일시 : 2017. 01. 13. (금) , 9:00 ~18:00 
  • *장소 : 문화기술대학원 백남준홀 (N25동 3229호) ☞지도보기
  • *발표자: John S Gero, Robert Woodbury,Jin-Ho Park, Yu-Hsiu Hung, Jong-Jin Park, Kyung Wook Seo, Andrzej Zarzycki, Terry Knight , Rudi Stouffs, Iestyn Jowers , Ju Hyun Lee , Jin-Kook Lee , Mathew Schwartz , Deedee Aram Min , Bige Tuncer & Atanassios Economou 
  • *주최KAIST 문화기술대학원, Information Based Design Lab (문화기술대학원, 이지현 교수) 
  • *후원 KAIST 국제협력팀, DIME_대전마케팅공사 
  • *사전등록: https://goo.gl/forms/DiJdRGl558HOVGO03 (기한 2017. 1. 12(목)까지)
  • *관련문의: 박사과정 임지민 kingjimin@kaist.ac.kr


The 2nd International Workshop on Cultural DNA

  • Time: 13th, January, 2017 (Friday), 9:00 ~18:00  
  • Place: KAIST N25, Paik Nam-Jun Hall (#3229)

    Host: Graduate School of Culture Technology 





Opening Ceremony

Ji-hyun Lee


Session 1: Theories for Cultural DNA Research


Research for Cultural DNA in Design

John S Gero

Research Professor in Computer Science and Architecture at University of North Carolina, and a researcher Professor at the Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study at George Mason University


A Design Gallery System

Robert Woodbury

Professor at School of Interactive Arts and Technology, Simon Fraser University


Underlying Principles and Emerging Designs Based on Magic Squares

Jin-Ho Park

Professor at Department of Architecture, Inha University


Session 2: Analysis & synthesis of Cultural DNA at Urban Scale


Multi-leveled Tridimensional Public Place and Urban Promenade

Jong-Jin Park


Ph.D. & Architect EPF/SIA


Fingerprint of the City: How Old Country Roads become Fossilised within the Modern City

Kyung Wook Seo,


BArch, MEng, March, PhD, FHEA


Tentative Title

Andrzej Zarzycki


Associate Professor at College of Architecture and Design in the New Jersey Institute of Technology





Session 3: Analysis & Synthesis of Cultural DNA Artifacts


A Universal Basic Robot

Mathew Schwartz


Assistant Professor at College of Architecture and Design New Jersey Institute of Technology



A sense of dichotomy in household space and smartphone

Deedee Aram Min

Ph.D. Candidate at GSCT, KAIST



The Need for a Cultural Representation Tool in Cultural Product Design

Yu-Hsiu Hung


Associate Professor at Department of Industrial Design of National Cheng Kung University


Tentative Title

Bige Tuncer


Associate Professor, Director of Informed Design Group,
Architecture and Sustainable Design, Singapore University of Technology and Design



Tentative Title

Atanassios Economou


Director of PhD Program and Professor at School of Architecture, Georgia Institute of Technology


How to Let Computers Know Building design Rules? - A KBimCode Mechanism to Translate the Sentences in Korea Building Act for the Automated Code Checking

Jin-Kook Lee


Ph.D., Assistant Professor at Department of Interior Design, Hanyang University



Short Break 2


Session 4: Grammar-based Cultural DNA Research


A practical shape grammar for Chinese ice-ray lattice designs

Rudi Stouffs


Associate Professor at Department of Architecture, School of Design & Environment, National University of Singapore


Structures in shapes: a perspective from rules and embedding

Iestyn Jowers


Lecturer in Technology and Innovation Management, The Open University


Grammatically Measuring the Functional Uniqueness of Murcutt’s Domestic Architecture

Ju Hyun Lee


Senior Lecturer in the School of Architecture and Built Environment, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, at the University of Newcastle


Craft, Performance, and Grammars

Terry Knight


Professor of Design and Computation in the Department of Architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology



Ending Ceremony

Ji-hyun Lee


Professor of Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST

☞ 일정 다운로드



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