- 일반
- [제3회 KAIST 증강현실연구센터(ARRC) 콜로키움, 2016/10/05]
- 관리자 |
- 2016-09-30 19:10:42|
- 760
< 제3회 KAIST 증강현실연구센터 콜로키움 >
■ 주제: Spatial Augmented Reality: Toward Ambient Augmentation of Interaction Channel
■ 저자: Joo-Haeng Lee, Principal Research Scientist, Human-Robot Interaction Lab, ETRI
■ 일시: 2016년 10월 5일 (수) 오후 4시
■ 장소: KI 빌딩 3층 301호
■ 주관: KAIST 증강현실연구센터(ARRC)
■ 요약
Spatial Augmented Reality (SAR) is a special branch of AR techniques based on projection display. Since information, contents and interfaces can be directly displayed over the surface of a physical object, we can expect more natural interaction with physical objects and less distraction from external displays, which may be more suitable for a wider range of users including elders and children, and workers in the special fields. In this talk, SAR is first explained as a way of augmenting the existing interaction channel such as human five senses. Then, we explorer remarkable related works in various domains including trials to integrate SAR with robotics. Recent projects performed in ETRI are also introduced.
■ 약력
Joo-Haeng Lee earned doctorate in computer graphics at Computer Science, POSTECH in 1999. Then, he joined ETRI as a research scientist. In the graduate course, he studied fundamental theories on computer graphics such as geometric and mathematical modeling. In ETRI, he has performed various R&D projects on computer animation, modeling, rendering, and HCI. Recently, his main research interest is developing a novel technique for human-robot interaction where technical convergence is critical, specially among computer graphics, vision, and robotics. He tries to balance between academic depth and technical breadth, while also seeking an artistic application.
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