CT 콜로키움
- [문화기술대학원 콜로키움] 4.2 (화) | 이수영(Emeritus Professor, KAIST EE)
- 관리자 |
- 2019-03-28 16:42:49|
- 742
일시 : 2019. 4. 2. (화) 오후 4:00~5:30
장소 : N25동 3229호 백남준홀
주제 : 마음을 가진 대화 에이전트
연사 : 이수영 (카이스트 전기및전자공학부 명예교수)
1984 Ph.D., Polytechnic Institue of New York
1988 M.S., KAIST
1975 B.S., SNU
Current Position: Emeritus Professor, School of Electrical Engineering
: Director, Institute for Artificial Intelligence
1982 ~ 1985 General Physics Corp. Columbia, MD
1977 ~ 1980 Taihan Eng. Co., Seoul KR
<연구 분야>
Intelligent man-machine interface with EEG, eye-gaze, etc
Understanding the brain information processing mechanism for auditory, vision, cognition, and behavior by using fMRI, EEG, GSR, audio and visual data.
Developing brain-like intelligent systems (Artificial Brain and Artificial Cognitive Systems)
Combining computational neuroscience and information theory
<주요 성과>
Architecture and learning algorithm for neural networks, aka machine learning (deep learning)
Auditory models for speech feature extraction, sound localization and blind signal separation
Top-down selective attention model for robust recognition (How people see what they want to see?)
Multi-modal fusion based on the top-down attention (i.e., audiovisual integration for lip-reading)
Feature extraction, selection, and adaptation for image, text, emotional speeches, music, and EEG
Neuromorphic chips and boards based on the developed models
ABrain (Artificial Brain) and OfficeMate (Artificial Secretary) as a testbed of human-like intelligent systems
* 오후 4:00-5:00 연사 강연, 오후 5:00-5:30 Q&A 및 자유토론 (Mandatory)
* CT콜로키움에 참석하고 싶으신 타과 교수님 또는 학생분들은 언제든지 환영합니다.
첨부파일 |
- 다음
- [문화기술대학원 콜로키움] 4.9 (화) | 황민철(상명대학교 교수)
- 2019-04-03