CT 콜로키움
- [GSCT 콜로퀴움, 2017/12/5] 윤혜진, 미국 노스웨스턴 대학교 교수
- 관리자 |
- 2017-11-30 11:20:00|
- 813
일시 : 2017. 12. 5 (화) 16:00~17:30
장소 : GSCT 백남준홀 (N25, #3229)
연사 : 윤혜진, 미국 노스웨스턴 대학교 교수
주제 : Scaling in physics, biology, cities and beyond
>> Academic Positions
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA
- Assistant Professor,
- Management & Organizations, Kellogg School of Management
- Core faculty, Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems (NICO)
Royal Society for Arts, London, UK RSA Fellow
- London Mathematical Laboratory, London, UK
- External Fellow
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA
- CID Fellow at John F. Kennedy School of Government
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA
- Media Lab Visiting Scientist
University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
- Senior Research Fellow at the Mathematical Institute
- James Martin Fellow at Oxford Martin School
Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe, NM, USA
- Research Fellow
- Postdoctral Fellow
Graduate Fellow
>> Education
Ph. D. Physics, KAIST (Daejeon, South Korea)
- Thesis topic: Quantifying Collective Dynamics and Emergent
- Behaviors in Complex Systems Advisor: Hawoong Jeong
M. S. Physics, KAIST (Daejeon, South Korea)
- Exchange program at Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
B. S. Physics, KAIST (Daejeon, South Korea)
* 4:00-5:00pm 연사 강연, 5:00-5:30pm Q&A 및 자유토론 (Mandatory)
* CT세미나에 참석하고 싶으신 타과 교수님 또는 학생분들은 언제든지 환영합니다.
※ This seminar will be given in English.
GSCT Colloquium
Time : 05. Dec. (Tue), 2017, 16:00~17:30
Place : N25, #3229
Speaker : Hyejin Youn
Title : Scaling in physics, biology, cities and beyond
The seminar format has been slightly revised, as follows:
* 4:00-5:00pm Guest Speaker Talk, 5:00-5:30pm Q&A / Discussion (Mandatory)
* Professors and students from other departments are always welcome.
* For further information, please email us at colloquium@ct.kaist.ac.kr
* If you no longer wish to receive GSCT colloquium information, please send a request to unsubscribe to colloquium@ct.kaist.ac.kr
장소 : GSCT 백남준홀 (N25, #3229)
연사 : 윤혜진, 미국 노스웨스턴 대학교 교수
주제 : Scaling in physics, biology, cities and beyond
>> Academic Positions
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA
- Assistant Professor,
- Management & Organizations, Kellogg School of Management
- Core faculty, Northwestern Institute on Complex Systems (NICO)
Royal Society for Arts, London, UK RSA Fellow
- London Mathematical Laboratory, London, UK
- External Fellow
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA
- CID Fellow at John F. Kennedy School of Government
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA
- Media Lab Visiting Scientist
University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
- Senior Research Fellow at the Mathematical Institute
- James Martin Fellow at Oxford Martin School
Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe, NM, USA
- Research Fellow
- Postdoctral Fellow
Graduate Fellow
>> Education
Ph. D. Physics, KAIST (Daejeon, South Korea)
- Thesis topic: Quantifying Collective Dynamics and Emergent
- Behaviors in Complex Systems Advisor: Hawoong Jeong
M. S. Physics, KAIST (Daejeon, South Korea)
- Exchange program at Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
B. S. Physics, KAIST (Daejeon, South Korea)
* 4:00-5:00pm 연사 강연, 5:00-5:30pm Q&A 및 자유토론 (Mandatory)
* CT세미나에 참석하고 싶으신 타과 교수님 또는 학생분들은 언제든지 환영합니다.
※ This seminar will be given in English.
GSCT Colloquium
Time : 05. Dec. (Tue), 2017, 16:00~17:30
Place : N25, #3229
Speaker : Hyejin Youn
Title : Scaling in physics, biology, cities and beyond
The seminar format has been slightly revised, as follows:
* 4:00-5:00pm Guest Speaker Talk, 5:00-5:30pm Q&A / Discussion (Mandatory)
* Professors and students from other departments are always welcome.
* For further information, please email us at colloquium@ct.kaist.ac.kr
* If you no longer wish to receive GSCT colloquium information, please send a request to unsubscribe to colloquium@ct.kaist.ac.kr
첨부파일 |
- 다음
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