CT 콜로키움

  • [GSCT 콜로퀴움, 2017/05/23] 박용화 / KAIST 기계공학과
  • 관리자 |
  • 2017-05-20 22:13:01|
  • 622

Machines Interacting with Human by 3D Image Recognition

일시 : 2017. 5. 23 (화) 16:00~17:30
장소 : GSCT 백남준홀 (N25, #3229)
연사 : 박용화 / KAIST 기계공학과
주제 : Machines Interacting with Human by 3D Image Recognition
Associate Professor 
Department of Mechanical Engineering 
Ph.D., KAIST [1999] 
Research Field: 
Human-machine interaction, 3D scene recognition, Voice recognition, Biometric/medical sensors
Career Path:
1987/03 –1991/02    B.S., Department of Mechani cal Engineering, KAIST
1991/03 –1999/08    Ph.D and M.S. KAIST Structural Dynamics, Vibration and Modal Analysis.
1999/09 –2003/06   Postdoctoral Research Associate
2003/07 –2005/02  Senior Engineer
2012/02–2016/08    Research Master
2016/08–present    Associate Professor
* 4:00-5:00pm 연사 강연, 5:00-5:30pm Q&A 및 자유토론 (Mandatory)
* CT세미나에 참석하고 싶으신 타과 교수님 또는 학생분들은 언제든지 환영합니다. 
※ This seminar will be given in English.
GSCT Colloquium
Time : 23. May. (Tue), 2017, 16:00~17:30
Place : N25, #3229
Speaker : Park, Yong-Hwa
Title : Machines Interacting with Human by 3D Image Recognition

The seminar format has been slightly revised, as follows:
* 4:00-5:00pm Guest Speaker Talk, 5:00-5:30pm Q&A / Discussion (Mandatory)
* Professors and students from other departments are always welcome.

* For further information, please email us at colloquium@ct.kaist.ac.kr
* If you no longer wish to receive GSCT colloquium information, please send a request to unsubscribe to colloquium@ct.kaist.ac.kr

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