CT 콜로키움

  • [GSCT 콜로퀴움, 2013/12/03] 김지희, KT 미래연구소장
  • 관리자 |
  • 2013-12-06 01:35:04|
  • 546

*당일 마이크에 문제가 있어 녹음상황이 좋지 않습니다.

Time : Dec 3(Tue), 2013, 16:00~17:30
Place : GSCT 백남준홀 (N25, #3229)

Speaker: 김지희(KT 미래연구소
Title: Smart Data Analytics for Business 

Nowadays, "Big Data" would be one of the hottest issues on the world. Even though many people were realizing the importance of big data and the great amount of data were being generated every second, big data were not utilized and thrown away because of their massive volume in the past. But they are utilized in the most of all industries due to the development of computing environment. As peoples are considering big data as a core technology for future, the governments of many countries including USA support strongly the researches for utilizing Big Data. In this talk, the characteristics of big data and the reason why the big data become a hottest issue are mentioned. And how the big data are providing new business opportunities in every industry is also described.    

Jihie Kim is the director of the Future Technologies Lab at KT. She received her B.S. and M.S. degrees in Computer Science and Statistics from Seoul National University, and a PhD degree in Computer Science from the University of Southern California. She has been working at USC Information Sciences Institute, leading many NSF (National Science Foundation) projects on social dialogue, pedagogical technologies, and intelligent interfaces. At USC, she initiated research on on-line discussion board and assessment of threaded discussions, leading to synergistic work among knowledge base experts, educational psychologists, NLP researchers, and educators. She developed a novel workflow portal that supports efficient assessment of online discussion activities. In order to develop a research community for improving collaborative learning and communication in education, she created two workshops on Intelligent Support for Learning in Groups. She is currently editing an IJAIED journal special issue on the topic. Dr. Kim was the general chair of the IUI (Intelligent User Interfaces) conference 2013 and the poster co-chair of the AI in Education conference 2013. She was the publicity chair for the AI in Education conference in 2007. She served as the workshop and tutorial chair of the IUI 2005 conference and as the publicity chair of the IUI Conference in 2003 and 2004. She has been the program committee member of AAAI, AIEd, EDM, IUI, WWW, K-CAP, SocialCom, Social Informatics, CADUI conferences, and refereed papers for various AI and user interfaces journals and conferences.
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