
  • General
  • 1st Place in Online Hackathon | KANG Jiho, KWON Haram, KIM Taehei, YANG Dongseok, CHOI Byeoli
  • 관리자 |
  • 2021-11-25 09:05:31|
  • 369
PartyPeople, formed by students KANG Jiho, KWON Haram, KIM Taehei, YANG Dongseok, and CHOI Byeoli of Lifelike Avatar and Agent Lab (Advisor LEE Sung-Hee), won 1st place in Art Center Nabi's online hackathon 'Hello, World!: new playground'.

'Partycle' was exhibited at Art Center Nabi's 'Party in a Box' festival.

※ Extended exhibition period: Until 2021-12-17(Fri), 11:00–18:00 / Closed on weekends

Partycle is a VR Metaverse platform where each visitor transforms into a particle unrestricted by material form. When you speak a sentence or note with your voice at the start the information is translated into a particle, enabling free expression of your self that lies beneath the everyday guise – much like how streaming platforms enabled virtual communication during social distancing. Also, each particle is minted as an NFT, highlighting its uniqueness and unrepeatability.
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