
  • Research
  • Excellent Presentation Paper Award at the KCC2018 | Jee Jung CHOI (PhD student)
  • 관리자 |
  • 2018-09-10 17:17:36|
  • 286
Jee Jung CHOI (PhD student) won the Excellent Presentation Paper Award at the Korea Computer Congress 2018 (KCC2018).
- Title: Detecting Rumors, Fake News, and Propaganda on Sina Weibo with Classifier based on Random Forest
- Authors: Jee Jung CHOI, Meeyoung CHA, Wonjae LEE
- Description: This paper analyzes Sina Weibo, a popular Chinese microblogging website, and presents automatic methods to distinguish rumors, fake news, and propaganda from the medium.

- Source(Korean): Korean Institute of Information Scientists and Engineers
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