CT Colloquium

  • [GSCT Colloquium, 2018-06-05] Confluence of Cloud, IoT, and AI - Minkyung Kim
  • 관리자 |
  • 2018-05-24 20:33:23|
  • 170
Title : Confluence of Cloud, IoT, and AI
Speaker : Minkyung Kim 
Time : 05. Jun. (Tue), 2018, 16:00~17:30
Place : N25, #3229

 Cloud provides on-demand resources, alleviating the resource requirements on the end user devices themselves. Seamless interactions between the cloud and user devices enable device manufacturers to apply various artificial intelligence (AI) technologies even on resource-poor devices by moving the computation-heavy steps, along with data, to the cloud. 
 This talk will cover how the confluence of cloud, Internet of Things (IoT) and AI has brought about the advances in consumer electronics; it has allowed applying various technologies, including natural language understanding, computer vision and big data analytics, to consumer devices and internet of things.

※ This seminar will be given in Korean.
The seminar format has been slightly revised, as follows:
* 4:00-5:00pm Guest Speaker Talk, 5:00-5:30pm Q&A / Discussion (Mandatory)
* Professors and students from other departments are always welcome.

2018 봄학기 콜로키움
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